Dr. Heather McKinney spreads essential oils, wellness and wholistic living (TM) around the world to help people GROW.SHINE.THRIVE.

Heather McKinney uses modern wellness to improve performance.
Heather is also a top leader with DoTERRA Essential OIls and an official trainer of the AROMATOUCH Technique. Set up a training class or personal session. Use essential oils to decrease stress and inflammation; support emotional balance and immunity.
Whether you are interested in yoga, traditional naturopathy, clinical aromatherapy, natural health, holistic health coaching or life coaching, Heather brings the complete wellness package to you.
Experience personal and professional development for wholistic living, including leadership, performance improvement, team building, organization development, change and more. ADDED BONUS: Enhance your life with wholeology (TM). Heather is the founder of this concept and the world’s first wholeologist (TM).
For helpful tips, recipes, videos and more visit HeatherMckinney.com.
For questions or business building interests, email Heather directly at grow.shine.thrive@gmail.com