Welcome to the Mothership
Surprises, Blessings & Challenges
Starting Motherhood later in life, was quite a surprise, blessing…AND challenge for me.
How was I to integrate my personal and professional dreams into this whole new journey? And where was this journey taking me? Having spent so many years on my own and focusing on my career, the SHIFT onto the MOTHERSHIP rocked my world!
MOTHERSHIP is ‘the central source’. Having nursed my little one for a few years, oh yes… I felt like a central source. Quickly, I realized that I needed….no, more importantly that I WANTED… to learn and grow into an incredible, lifelong central source for him… long after the years of nursing passed us by. If this sounds familiar, I welcome you onto the Mothership and into this most rewarding, challenging, inspiring journey together. Mothership is a way for Moms to learn together, support one another and form bonds that go beyond friendship. In order to grow, shine and thrive as a Mom… it is really important for you to stay centered, have fun and take care of you…. too. Enjoy the resources on this site and Welcome to the MOTHERSHIP!